Monday, April 4, 2011

SESSION 3 >Carrer-related website / An expert on your field

This session you have to choose ONE of these two topics:
SESSION3 > A career -related website/An expert on your field

Topic 1: A career-related website that you enjoy visiting.
You should:

-provide a link.
-describe the website (sections, features, etc).
-say how often you visit the site.
-explain why you like the site.

Topic 2: A person / expert on your field that you admire.

Make sure you include his/her image and say:
-who he/she is (a short biography).
-what he/she has done (examples of their work).
-why you like him/her.

Be sure you write about 180-200 words, please.
Remember to add comments to at least 3 of your classmates’ posts.

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