Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Some people are animal lovers, others use and abuse them. Some people can't live without their pet animals, others raise animals to make a living .
Today you have decided to write about animals, so here you have some questions to help you write your post.

Do you consider yourself an animal lover?
Did you use to have a pet when you were a kid?
Do you have a pet now? If so, tell us about it. If not, would you like to have one?
What animal do you think makes the best pet? Why?
Do you know someone who owns an unusual pet?

How do you feel about the use of animals for medical research?
Do you think it is right to keep wild animals in a zoo?
Do you think people should buy and wear fur coats?

Have you ever been bitten by a dog? (... by a snake)
Do you think dogs should be banned or muzzled?

If you could be an animal, what would you (choose to) be? Why?

Remember to leave a comment on 2 of your classmates' posts.
Number of words: 150 minimum

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