Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Hi everybody,
Do you enjoy taking photos? Do you have a camera? Do you collect printed photos? Are you a photolog freak?
This week you are expected to write about a photograph that you like. Make sure to include the following in your post:
  • Who took it
  • What it shows
  • When it was taken
  • Why you like it
Don't hesitate to ¡nclude any other information you think is important.
Write at least 280 words.
Finally, add comments to at least 3 of your classmates’ blogs

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Gone with the wind... , The Godfather..., Singing in the rain... , Psicosis... , 2001: A space oddisey... , The exorcist... , Cabaret... These are just some of the most popular films ever. Have you seen any of these films?
This week's blog assignment is to write about a movie you have seen. Make sure to include the following in your post:

Do you like going to the cinema? If so, how often do you go?. When did you last go
Do you ever rent or buy films?
What's your favourite film?
What is it about?
How many times have you seen it?
What are the good and weak points of the film?
Would you reccomend it?

How would you rate it?: A must see? Good? Just fair? I want my money back?

Write between 200 and 250 words and remember to comment on two of your classmates' posts .I look forwards to reading your reviews.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Hi everybody!
Are you the techy type? Do you try to keep up with the latest technology? Are you thinking of buying an IPOD, a digital camera, or something the like? Do you wish santa Claus would bring you an LCD television? Are you saving money to buy a lap top?

This week's blog assignment is to write about your favourite piece of technology.

When you write your post make sure you say:

>What it is.
>When you got it.
>How you use it.
>How often you use it.
>Why you like it.
>What life would be like with out it.

(150 words minimum)
Include a picture.

Comment on at least 3 of your classmates’ blogs